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Silicone v. Saline Implants

We offer two main types of breast implants: silicone and saline. The decision often rests with the patient unless specific considerations guide recommendations for one type, especially in breast revision surgery.

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Silicone Implants 

These implants, filled with silicone gel, offer a softer, more natural feel. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor their condition, and an ultrasound or MRI screening ensures proper function. Benefits include a softer texture, fewer rippling issues, and a feel closer to natural breast tissue.

Saline Implants 

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water and collapse if the shell leaks and the body naturally absorbs and expels the saline. Benefits include a uniform shape, firmness, and feel, FDA approval for patients eighteen and older, and the option for structured implants with an inner structure for a more natural feel.

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Implant Profile: Low, medium, or high?

Choosing the right profile for your breast implants is a crucial step in achieving your desired outcome. Once you've decided between silicone and saline, the next consideration is the implant's profile, which determines the overall projection and shape. The process begins by measuring the width of your breast to establish the "base diameter." Subsequently, your breast tissue and natural shape are assessed before determining the desired augmentation volume.

 It's important to note that implant projection relies more on the implant's measurements than the total fill volume. For instance, an implant with a smaller base and a 300 cc fill will result in increased projection compared to an implant with a broader base and the same 300 cc fill. This nuanced approach ensures that your breast augmentation is customized to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals, providing results that beautifully complement your natural contours.

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